Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chapter 1

The Systematic Design of Instruction-- by Walter Dick

Chapter 1 thoughts (pages 1-11

I like the Dick and Carry systems approach a lot. While reading this chapter, it explained a lot of processes that I already do daily in my job as a teacher. I like how the text emphasized that every component is crucial to successful learning (page 1).

system= a set of interrelated parts, all of which work together toward a defined goal (page 1)

My systems of learning and teaching in my classroom are constantly changing. I used to think that's because I was a bad teacher or something, but I actually think that it shows that I'm a good teacher. Continual growth and improvement is important, and also flexibility!

systems approach model= the model of instructional design referenced in this text (page 3)

Instructional systems development (ISD)= design models and processes they represent.
Instructional design (ID)= umbrella term about all phases of the ISD process (p. 3)

performance objectives
criterion referenced testing
instructional strategy
-- all parts of the ID process

Constructivism has influenced many instructional designers.

Systems approach model- steps
1. Identify instructional goal (objective)- what do you want the learners to learn?
2. Conduct instructional analysis.- what steps do you need to take? What subskills and entry skills are needed?
3. Analyze learners and contexts.
4. Write performance objectives.-- about to the skill to be learned, conditions, and criteria for success
5. Develop assessments
6. Develop instructional strategy-- preinstructional activities, presentation of content, active participation and practice, feedback, follow-through activities, real-world application
7. Develop and select instructional materials
8. Design and conduct formative evaluation of instruction
9. Revise instruction
10. Design and conduct summative evaluation.

Why is the systems approach good? It focuses on what you want the learners to do when you are finished. You have a purpose and end goal. You can design linking all the parts to the goal.

The systems approach can be applied to all ages and types of learning. It is generic.

Teachers, ID professionals, professors, instructors can all use a systems approach to ID, with some adaptations as needed.

Week 1

Here are my thoughts...

Education- teaching and learning. I thought of my job as a teacher, and the effort I put into helping my kids each day to learn new things. It really is changing lives and helping them also become good citizens.

 Instruction- what teachers do, a process, giving information to a learner so they can learn. 

Technology- electronics, and really all tools that are innovative and make life easier.

 Design- creating things that are easy to use, to understand, and that are appealing.

 Instructional designers, as I understand it, should integrate the best practices of education, instruction, technology, and design into what they are creating. What an instructional designer does should be purposeful and deliberate. I think that an instructional designer is successful when they create instruction that is not only purposeful, but also efficient, engaging, and effective.